Wide receiver: What do they do in American Football?

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  February 19 2023

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Who are the players who score the most in American Football? The wide receiver position puts them in the PERFECT spot to turn into the end zone to come.

The wide receiver belongs to the offensive team and is one of two players who are out of bounds. Receivers are the fastest players in the game and one of the best-known positions in American football, as they are often responsible for attractive play and scoring points.

In this article I will tell you all about this specific position and the task they perform.

What is the wide receiver

What Does a Wide Receiver Do in American Football?

American Football is an exciting sport, but what exactly does a Wide Receiver do? Here's a brief explanation.

The Line of Scrimmage

Wide Receivers are on the Line of Scrimmage, outside the offensive line. They make a break to the field and try to open up for a pass.

The Pass

Wide Receivers are responsible for catching the pass thrown by the quarterback. Sometimes the ball is also pointed at them for running.

The Catch

Wide Receivers are the best catching players on the field. They have a unique combination of skills, including:

  • Good hand-eye coordination
  • A strong sense of timing
  • Speed ​​and agility

The Run

Although not as common, Wide Receivers can also be used to run with the ball. They are often the fastest players on the field, so they can be used to make big gains.

Why is it called Wide Receiver?

Wide Receivers are tasked with standing well away from the offensive lineman most of the time, close to the sideline. Teams do not use this "wide" split for every play.

And as for the "receiver" part of the name, their primary job is to "receive" passes from the QB. These two details help to explain the origin of the name of the wide receiver position.

Wide Cleavage

Wide Receivers are usually positioned well away from the offensive lineman, close to the sideline. Teams vary the forms they use, but the "wide" split is not for every play.

Received from Passes

Wide Receivers' primary job is to receive passes from the QB. This is why they got the name Wide Receiver.


Wide Receivers are usually positioned well away from the offensive lineman, close to the sideline. Their primary job is to receive passes from the QB. These two details help to explain the origin of the name of the wide receiver position.


Wide Receiver Vs Corner Back

Wide receivers and cornerbacks both require a unique set of skills to succeed in their positions. Wide receivers must be fast, jump well, and have good ball handling skills. They must also be able to position themselves to catch the ball, even if the defense tries to prevent them. Cornerbacks also need to be fast and good at jumping, but they also need good technique to bolster defenses. They must also be able to follow the opponent and defend the ball.

So wide receivers and cornerbacks need different skills to succeed. Wide receivers must be fast, jump well and catch the ball well. Cornerbacks also need to be fast, jump well, and have good technique to bolster defenses. They must also be able to follow the opponent and defend the ball. Basically, if you want to become a wide receiver or cornerback, you need to have the right skills to succeed.

Joost Nusselder, the founder of referees.eu is a content marketer, father and loves to write about all kinds of sports, and has also played a lot of sports himself for most of his life. Now since 2016, he and his team have been creating helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with their sports activities.