Rules of Conduct in Sport: Why They Are So Important

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  July 8, 2022

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Sports rules are important because they ensure that everyone plays by the same rules. Without rules, unfair situations would arise and the game would not be fair. That is why sports rules are important for every athlete.

In this article I will explain why that is the case and what the most important rules are.

What are rules

Rules of Conduct in Sport: Respect is Key

Rules of Respect

We are all responsible for a good atmosphere and course of events during training and competitions. That is why it is important that we treat each other with respect, respect each other's property and respect our environment. Swearing, bullying and threatening are absolutely forbidden. Physical violence is not allowed. We must respect everyone's abilities and help and support each other during training sessions and competitions. There is no place for racism or discrimination and we should encourage open communication to solve problems.

Rules of conduct for Facilitators in Sport

To ensure that everyone involved in the sports association is aware of the rules of conduct, it is important that these rules of conduct are shared with the members, for example via the website or meetings. The rules of conduct, together with the rules of conduct, form a guideline for the interaction between athletes and coaches.

The coach must create an environment and atmosphere in which the athlete feels safe. The handler must not touch the Athlete in such a way that the Athlete will perceive this touch as sexual or erotic in nature. Furthermore, the supervisor must refrain from any form of (power) abuse or sexual harassment towards the athlete. Sexual acts and sexual relations between the supervisor and the young athlete up to the age of sixteen are absolutely prohibited.

During training, competitions and travel, the coach must treat the athlete and the space in which the athlete is with respect. The supervisor has the duty to protect the athlete against damage and (power) abuse as a result of sexual harassment. Furthermore, the supervisor may not give material or immaterial compensation with the apparent intention of asking for something in return. Also, the Facilitator may not accept any financial reward or gifts from the Athlete that are disproportionate to the usual remuneration.

The basic rules of respect

Respect for each other

We love each other and that means we treat each other with respect. We don't yell at each other, don't bully each other, or threaten each other. Physical violence is absolutely not allowed.

Respect for property

We all have properties that we value and take care of. So we will always respect the property of others.

Respect for the environment

We are all responsible for preserving our environment. So we will always respect nature and the people around us.

Respect for everyone's ability

We are all unique and all have different talents. So we will always respect everyone's different abilities.

help each other

We help each other during training and competitions. We support each other and make sure we all get the best out of ourselves.

A good atmosphere

We are all responsible for a good atmosphere and course of events during training and competitions. So we will always treat each other with respect.

No racism or discrimination

Racism and discrimination have no place in our environment. So we will always respect everyone regardless of their background.

Open communication

We will always communicate openly and honestly with each other. We solve problems by talking about them, instead of calling each other names.

Rules of Conduct for Sports Coaches: What You Need to Know

Why are these rules important?

The relationship between the trainer and the athlete is very important in sport. That is why organized sport has established rules of conduct. These rules of conduct indicate where the boundaries lie in the contact between coach and athlete. Figures show that perpetrators are mostly counselors and victims are mostly athletes. By announcing these rules of conduct, a sports club shows that it is working on combating sexual harassment.

The Code of Conduct for Coaches in Sport

Below you will find an overview of the 'Code of conduct for supervisors in sports' as established within organized sports:

  • The coach must provide an environment and an atmosphere in which the athlete can feel safe.
  • The coach refrains from treating the athlete in a manner that affects the athlete's dignity, and from penetrating further into the athlete's private life than is necessary in the context of the sport.
  • The supervisor refrains from any form of (power) abuse or Sexual Harassment towards the athlete.
  • Sexual acts and sexual relations between the supervisor and the young athlete up to the age of sixteen are not permitted under any circumstances and are regarded as sexual abuse.
  • The handler must not touch the Athlete in such a way that the Athlete and/or the handler can reasonably be expected to perceive this touch as sexual or erotic in nature, as would usually be the case with deliberate touching of genitals, buttocks and breasts.
  • The supervisor refrains from (verbal) sexual intimacy via any means of communication.
  • During training (internships), competitions and travel, the supervisor will treat the athlete and the room in which the athlete is located, such as the dressing room or hotel room, with respect.
  • The supervisor has the duty – insofar as is within his power – to protect the athlete against damage and (power) abuse as a result of Sexual Harassment.
  • The supervisor will not give the athlete any (im)material compensation with the apparent intention of asking for something in return. The supervisor also does not accept any financial reward or gifts from the athlete that are disproportionate to the usual or agreed remuneration.
  • The facilitator will actively ensure that these rules are observed by everyone involved with the athlete. If the supervisor signals behavior that is not in accordance with these rules of conduct, he will take the necessary action(s).
  • In those cases for which the rules of conduct do not (directly) provide, it is the supervisor's responsibility to act in the spirit of this.

It is important that everyone involved in the sports association is aware of these rules of conduct. These rules – supplemented by the rules of conduct – form a guideline for the interaction between athletes and coaches. If one or more rules of conduct are violated, disciplinary proceedings with disciplinary sanctions can follow from the sports association. So if you are a supervisor, it is important that you know these rules and act according to them.

How you as a parent can improve your child's cricket experience

We all want our children to enjoy playing cricket. But as a parent it is sometimes difficult to let your children enjoy the game without you interfering. Fortunately, we have a few tips that can help you improve your child's cricket experience.

Encourage positive

Be positive and give your child encouragement. Kids don't like parents yelling at the boundary or calling directions at the cage. And don't forget that kids would rather play with a losing team than miss their turn and sit on the bench of a winning team.

Keep it fun

It is important that your child has fun while playing cricket. Encourage your child to play according to the rules and play sports. Emphasize your child's enjoyment and effort during the game, not winning or losing.

Respect the coaches

Respect the decisions of coaches, supervisors and referees. Leave the coaching to the coach and don't yell directions at your child from the side. Show appreciation to all volunteer coaches, umpires and facilitators. Without them, your child cannot play sports.

Improve the environment

You are jointly responsible for a positive and safe sports environment for your child. Verbal and physical violence or derogatory remarks do not belong anywhere, including sports. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of his/her gender, cultural background, religion or ability.

If you follow these tips, your child will enjoy playing cricket. And who knows, maybe your child will become the next Tendulkar!

How can sports clubs prevent undesirable behaviour?

Driver courses

Sports club administrators can take courses to learn how to promote a positive sports culture. Think about tips on how to talk about it with your club members.

Guidance for trainers and supervisors

Voluntary (youth) trainers and team supervisors without training can receive guidance. Not only to make the sport more fun, but also to transfer the knowledge and technique of the sport. They receive this guidance, for example, from neighborhood sports coaches who are trained by municipalities or sports associations.

Changes in the rules of the game

By making easy adjustments to the rules of the game, we can ensure that winning is less important than having fun. For example, by no longer publishing results and thus making the sport less competitive. The KNVB already does this in youth football up to 10 years old.


Rules are important for everyone involved in sports. They help to create a safe and respectful environment in which everyone feels comfortable. The rules are there to ensure that everyone adheres to the same standards and that no undesirable situations arise.

The basic rules are: respect for each other, each other's property and the environment; no swearing, bullying or threatening; no physical violence; respect for everyone's 'ability'; help and support during training and competitions; no racism or discrimination; open communication and solving problems by talking about them.

In addition, supervisors in sports also have their own rules of conduct. These rules indicate where the boundaries lie in the contact between coach and athlete. They are enforceable and if one or more rules of conduct are violated, disciplinary proceedings with disciplinary sanctions can follow from the sports association.

The rules of conduct for supervisors in sports include: ensuring a safe environment; no abuse of power or sexual harassment; no sexual acts or relationships with young athletes up to the age of sixteen; no sexual intimacies; treat the athlete and the space in which the athlete is in a reserved and respectful manner; protection against damage and (power) abuse as a result of sexual harassment.

Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves to write about all kinds of sports, and has also played a lot of sports himself for most of his life. Now since 2016, he and his team have been creating helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with their sports activities.