KNHB: What is it and what do they do?

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  October 11, 2022

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KNHB, a pillar for hockey, but WHAT do they actually do?

The KNHB (Koninklijke Nederlandse Hockey Bond) is the Dutch hockey association and is responsible for the implementation of the rules and competition organization. The KNHB is a non-profit organization and aims to support Dutch hockey at all levels.

In this article I discuss the organization, tasks and responsibilities of the KNHB and the development of the Dutch hockey scene.

KNHB logo

The Royal Dutch Hockey Association: Everything you need to know

The establishment

The Nederlandsche Hockey en Bandy Bond (NHBB) was founded in 1898 by five clubs from Amsterdam, The Hague, Delft, Zwolle and Haarlem. In 1941, the Dutch Women's Hockey Association became part of the NHBB. In 1973 the name was changed to the Royal Dutch Hockey Association (KNHB).

The bond office

The association office is located in De Weerelt van Sport in Utrecht. About 1100 people are active within the organization, mainly volunteers. Approximately 150 employees are employed, of which 58 work at the union office.


The Netherlands is divided into six districts that support and advise the associations in their activities. The six districts are:

  • District Northern Netherlands
  • District Eastern Netherlands
  • District South Netherlands
  • District of North Holland
  • District Central Netherlands
  • District South Holland

The KNHB supports more than 322 affiliated clubs through the districts. All clubs in the Netherlands together have approximately 255.000 members. The largest association has more than 3.000 members, the smallest has about 80.

Vision 2020

The KNHB has a Vision 2020 in which four important pillars are discussed:

  • Hockey(s) for a lifetime
  • A positive social impact
  • At the world top in a world sport

International cooperation

The KNHB is a member of the European Hockey Federation (EHF) based in Brussels and the International Hockey Federation (FIH) based in Lausanne.

Hockey is a sport that has been played in the Netherlands since 1898. The Royal Dutch Hockey Association (KNHB) is the organization that manages the sport in the Netherlands. The KNHB was founded by five clubs from Amsterdam, The Hague, Delft, Zwolle and Haarlem. In 1973 the name was changed to the Royal Dutch Hockey Association.

The association office is located in De Weerelt van Sport in Utrecht. About 1100 people are active within the organization, mainly volunteers. Approximately 150 employees are employed, of which 58 work at the union office.

The Netherlands is divided into six districts that support and advise the associations in their activities. The six districts are: North Netherlands, East Netherlands, South Netherlands, North Holland, Central Netherlands and South Holland. The KNHB supports more than 322 affiliated clubs through the districts. All clubs in the Netherlands together have approximately 255.000 members.

The KNHB has a Vision 2020 in which four important pillars are discussed: a lifetime of hockey(s), a positive social impact, at the world's top in a world sport.

The KNHB is a member of the European Hockey Federation (EHF) based in Brussels and the International Hockey Federation (FIH) based in Lausanne. This means that Dutch hockey players can participate in international competitions and that Dutch clubs can participate in international tournaments.

Hockey is a sport that can be played by anyone. Whether you are young or old, there is always a way to participate in this sport. The KNHB offers a wide range of activities for everyone, from young children to veterans. Whether you like league hockey or recreational hockey, there is something for everyone.

The KNHB is an organization that is committed to promoting hockey culture in the Netherlands. Through their Vision 2020, they want to have a positive social impact and be at the top of the world in a world sport. Through their international cooperation, Dutch hockey players can participate in international competitions and Dutch clubs in international tournaments.

Hockey is a sport that can be played by anyone. Whether you are young or old, there is always a way to participate in this sport. The KNHB offers a wide range of activities for everyone, from young children to veterans. Whether you like league hockey or recreational hockey, there is something for everyone.

The Dutch Districts: A Guide for the Leek

Have you ever heard of the Dutch districts? No? No problem! Here is a layman's guide that will teach you everything you need to know about the six districts that support and advise the Netherlands in their activities.

What are Districts?

Districts are areas that are divided into smaller areas, usually for administrative purposes. In the Netherlands there are six districts that deal with arbitration, competitions and district selections.

The Six Districts

Let's take a look at the six districts that support and advise the Netherlands in their activities:

  • District Northern Netherlands
  • District Eastern Netherlands
  • District South Netherlands
  • District of North Holland
  • District Central Netherlands
  • District South Holland

How districts help

Districts assist the Netherlands in organizing leagues, managing arbitration and selecting district squads. They make sure everything runs smoothly and that everyone gets a fair chance to compete.

How the KNHB is part of the international hockey community

The KNHB is a member of two international hockey organisations: the European Hockey Federation (EHF) and the International Hockey Federation (FIH).

The European Hockey Federation (EHF)

The EHF is based in Brussels and is responsible for regulating hockey activities in Europe. It is one of the largest hockey organizations in the world and has members from more than 50 countries.

The International Hockey Federation (FIH)

The FIH is based in Lausanne and is responsible for regulating hockey activities worldwide. It is the largest hockey organization in the world and has members from more than 100 countries.

The KNHB is a member of both organizations and is therefore an important player in the international hockey community. By being a member of the EHF and the FIH, Dutch hockey players can participate in international tournaments and competitions and Dutch clubs can participate in international competitions.


Now you know what the KNHB is AND does, a lot for the Dutch hockey sport.

Hopefully you have now become as enthusiastic as I have been, and who knows… maybe you also want to commit yourself to this wonderful sport.

Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves to write about all kinds of sports, and has also played a lot of sports himself for most of his life. Now since 2016, he and his team have been creating helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with their sports activities.