Ice hockey skates: What makes them unique as a skate?

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  October 6, 2022

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Do you know what ice hockey skates are and what they do? Most people don't and that's because the gear is so specialized.

Ice hockey is a fast and physical sport which created the need for a skate that was more agile and protected.

What is an ice hockey skate

Ice hockey vs regular skates

1. The blade of an ice hockey skate is curved, unlike the blade of figure or speed skates, which is straight. This allows players to quickly turn and cut on the ice.

2. The blades of ice hockey skates are also shorter and narrower than those of other skates. That makes them more agile and better suited for the stop-and-start game.

3. Ice hockey skates also have a stiffer shoe than other skates, allowing players to transfer their energy to the ice better.

4. The blades of ice hockey skates are also sharpened differently from those of other skates. They are sharpened at a steeper angle, which allows them to better dig into the ice and quickly start and stop.

5. Finally, ice hockey skates have special holders that can be adjusted to different angles. This allows players to change their skating style and improve their speed and agility.

Why are the right ice hockey skates so important to your game?

Hockey is a fast, physical sport played on a slippery surface. To be successful, you must be able to move quickly and change direction quickly. That's why the right hockey skates are so important.

A wrong skate can slow you down and make it more difficult to change direction. The wrong skate can also be dangerous as you can trip and fall.

When choosing your hockey skates, it is important to consult an expert seller. They can help you find the right skate for your foot size, skating style and playing level.

Construction of ice hockey skates

Hockey skates consist of 3 different parts:

  • you have the boot
  • the runner
  • and the holder.

The boot is the part where you put your foot in. The holder is what connects your runner to the shoe, and then the runner is the steel blade at the bottom!

Let's dive a little more into each part and how they differ from skate to skate.

Holders and runners

For most hockey skates you want to buy, you want the holder and the runner are two separate parts. For cheaper ice hockey skates, they consist of one part. This would be for skates that cost less than 80 euros.

The reason you want them to be two separate parts and why more expensive skates have it this way is so you can replace the blade without replacing the entire skate.

If you use your skates more often, you will eventually have to sharpen them. After sharpening a few times, your blade will become smaller and will need to be replaced.

If you're buying skates for less than $80, it's probably better to buy new hockey skates, especially if you've had them for a year or so. However, if you're looking for more elite skates in the $150 to $900 range, you'd rather just replace your blades than the entire skate.

It is quite easy to replace your runners. Brands like Easton, CCM and Reebok have visible screws, while Bauer and others have the screws under the heel under the sole.

Most players are ok with changing their blades every other year or so. Professionals change their blades every few weeks, but they have them sharpened before every game and possibly skate twice a day. Most of us don't wear out our skates that quickly.

Hockey Skate Boots

Boots are one of the items brands are constantly updating. They are always looking to see if they can make the boots lighter and more responsive to your movements without losing the support that a good shoe requires.

However, skating doesn't change from one year to the next. Very often manufacturers will sell a nearly identical shoe on the next iteration of a skate.

Take the Bauer MX3 and 1S Supreme skates for example. While the tendon boot was changed to improve the flexibility of the 1S, the boot construction largely stayed the same.

In this case, if you can find the previous version (MX3), you'll pay a fraction of the price for almost the same skate. It's important to note that the fit can change between skate generations, but with companies adopting the three-fit model (specifically Bauer and CCM), the shape is unlikely to change drastically.

Some of the materials companies use to make these new and improved boots are carbon composite, texalium glass, antimicrobial hydrophobic liner and thermoformable foam.

While that last sentence makes you feel like you need an engineering degree to pick out a pair of skates, don't worry! What we really need to consider is the overall weight, comfort, protection and durability.

We take this into account and simply specify it in the list below to make your buying decision as easy as possible.

This is what a hockey skate consists of:

  1. Liner - this is the material inside your boat. It is the padding and is also responsible for a comfortable fit.
  2. Ankle liner – above the liner in the shoe. It is made of foam and offers comfort and support for your ankles
  3. Heel Support – Cup around your heel, protecting and securing your foot while in the shoe
  4. Footbed – Padding on the inside of your boot at the bottom
  5. Quarter package – Bootshell. It contains all the padding and support that is in it. It must be flexible and at the same time provide support.
  6. Tongue – covers the top of your boot and is like a tongue you would have in your normal shoes
  7. Outsole - hard bottom of your skate boot. Here is the holder attached

How did ice hockey skates come about?

Hockey skates have been around for a long time. The first recorded use of ice hockey skates dates back to the early 1800s. However, they were probably used for this sport much earlier.

The first hockey skates were made of wood and had iron blades. These skates were heavy and difficult to maneuver. In 1866, the Canadian Starr Manufacturing Company invented the modern hockey skate.

This skate had a curved blade and was much lighter than the previous skates. This new design quickly became popular with hockey players.

Today they are made of lightweight materials such as aluminum and composite materials. They are also equipped with holders that can be adjusted to different angles. This allows players to adapt their skating style and improve their speed and agility.


But what makes ice hockey skates so different from other skates?

Ice hockey skates are a type of skates used for practicing the ice hockey sport. They differ from other skates in a number of important ways.

Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves to write about all kinds of sports, and has also played a lot of sports himself for most of his life. Now since 2016, he and his team have been creating helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with their sports activities.