Fitness Balls: The Ultimate Guide to Benefits, Size & Exercises

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  March 7 2023

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You've probably seen one but wondered what you can do with it.

A fitness ball is a multifunctional training tool that can be used for fitness, physiotherapy even during pregnancy. A ball made of soft material and usually filled with air, the diameter varies from 45 to 85 centimeters and the pressure is adapted to the person using it.

In this article I discuss everything about the benefits of a fitness ball, how you can train with it and what you should pay attention to when purchasing.

What is a fitness ball

What we discuss in this comprehensive post:

Everything you need to know about the fitness ball

What is a fitness ball?

A fitness ball, also known as a gym ball or exercise ball, is a multifunctional training tool that is used for fitness, physiotherapy and even during pregnancy. The ball is made of soft material and is typically filled with air. The diameter ranges from 45 to 85 centimeters and the pressure can be adjusted by removing the valve stem and inflating or deflating the ball

Which muscle groups can you strengthen with a fitness ball?

A fitness ball is a versatile training tool that you can use to strengthen different muscle groups, including:

  • Core muscles
  • Arm muscles
  • Leg muscles
  • Back muscles

How do you use a fitness ball?

Here are a few steps to follow when using an exercise ball:

  1. Choose a flat surface and make sure the ball is clean and dry.
  2. Check the pressure of the ball and adjust if necessary.
  3. Start with easy exercises and gradually build up to more challenging exercises.
  4. Use the ball regularly to maximize the benefits.

Where can you buy a fitness ball?

Fitness balls are available at sporting goods stores and online retailers. Derbystar and Veen are popular brands that offer fitness balls. In addition to fitness balls, there are also other training tools such as fitness mats, foam rollers and yoga blocks that you can use to improve your training.

If you have any questions about using a fitness ball or need personal advice, please contact a physiotherapist or fitness instructor.

How do you perform exercises with a fitness ball?

To perform exercises with a fitness ball, it is important that you assume the correct position. You can think of sitting upright on the ball, lying on the ball, or using the ball as a supporting training bench. You can then perform the exercises, whereby it is important that you adopt the correct posture and perform the exercises calmly and in a controlled manner.

What are the more unknown names for a fitness ball?

A fitness ball is also called a yoga ball, exercise ball, or balance ball. In addition, there are other names, such as Swiss ball, stability ball, and exercise ball.

What is the difference between a fitness ball and a yoga ball?

A yoga ball and a fitness ball are basically the same. The difference is often in the name and usage. A yoga ball is often used in yoga exercises, while a fitness ball is more focused on strengthening muscles and improving balance and flexibility.

How do you clean a fitness ball?

You can clean a yoga ball with a soft cloth and some soap and water. Make sure to dry the ball thoroughly before using it again.

Why a fitness ball is a great addition to your workout

Active and passive use of the fitness ball

A fitness ball is a great way to correct and improve your body movements. Therefore, it is very effective for training your abs. It is extremely useful for various purposes, even for pregnant women. The main advantage of a fitness ball is that it stimulates you to stay active. Especially if you sit all day, it forces you to adopt a better posture and improves your strength and balance.

Benefits for your abs

Don't expect to get bigger abs after a few workouts with a fitness ball. It is an effective way to train your abs, but it takes a while before you see results. Tightening your abdominal muscles every time you sit on the ball will increase your abdominal muscle strength.

Benefits for pregnant women

A fitness ball is also a great addition for pregnant women. It is useful to sit on and rotate in circles to relieve your lower back. It keeps your body moving and improves your posture and pelvis.

Handy for the office

A fitness ball is also useful for the office. If you sit for a long time, you can quickly suffer from a painful and stiff back. By replacing your office chair with a fitness ball, you ensure that your body keeps moving and your posture improves. Just make sure the ball is properly inflated and is at the correct height, with your legs at about a 90-degree angle and your feet resting all the way on the floor.

Use during yoga and pilates

If you want to experiment with a fitness ball during yoga or Pilates, keep the following tips in mind. Do not use the ball for more than an hour at a time and make sure the ball is properly inflated. Use the ball as support for specific exercises and not as a substitute for the floor.

A fitness ball is a great way to keep your body moving and improve your posture. It is a useful addition to your workout and can be used in a variety of ways. Whether you are training for a specific sport or just want to keep your body moving, a fitness ball is definitely a handy tool to have.

Training with a fitness ball: when is it a good idea?

Improve your balance and strengthen your muscles

A fitness ball can be a valuable addition to your fitness routine, especially if you want to improve your balance and strengthen your muscles. While it's not usually necessary to use a fitness ball instead of traditional weights or machines, it may be better for certain exercises.

Train at home with little space and without spending too much money

One of the advantages of a fitness ball is that you can train with it at home, even if you don't have much space. A set of dumbbells and a bench are often more expensive and take up more space. A fitness ball is also a cheap option compared to other fitness materials.

Combine with weights for more possibilities

Although a fitness ball offers many possibilities on its own, you can also combine it with weights for even more exercises. For example, you can use a set of dumbbells while sitting on the ball to train your back, shoulders and arms.

Measure yourself to choose the correct ball size

It is important to choose the right size fitness ball to get the best results. The most common method of determining your size is to stand against a wall and measure how tall you are from the tip of your middle finger to your shoulder. You can then find the right size on an overview of ball sizes.

Replace your office chair for a better posture

A fitness ball can also serve as a replacement for your office chair. This can help to get a better posture and prevent back problems. JordyGymballen, for example, offers fitness balls in different colors of the rainbow, which you can also use to brighten up your workplace.

Movement inspiration and exercises depending on your goals

There are many different exercises you can do with a fitness ball, depending on your goals and which muscles you want to train. On the category page of JordyGymballen you will find an overview of exercises and movement inspiration. If you have questions about which exercises are best for you, you can always contact a fitness professional.

In short, a fitness ball can be extremely useful for home use, improving your balance and strengthening your muscles. It is a cheap option compared to other fitness equipment and offers many possibilities, especially in combination with weights. Furthermore, it can serve as a replacement for your office chair and offers a lot of movement inspiration and exercises depending on your goals.

What should you pay attention to when buying a fitness ball?

The right size

A good fitness ball comes in different sizes, so it is important to choose the right size. You can estimate this by looking at your height and weight. On the internet you can find useful tables that help you find the right size. If you find it difficult to find the size, consult a professional at the gym or the store where you want to buy the ball.

How much money do you want to spend on it?

You can find a good fitness ball for an affordable price, but you may also want to spend more money on a higher quality ball. It is important to look at what you want to spend and what you get in return. Cheaper fitness balls can sometimes last less, while more expensive balls are of better quality and last longer.

The material of the fitness ball

The material of the fitness ball is also important to consider. Most balls are made of PVC, but there are also balls made of rubber or other materials. It is important to look at the material of the ball, as some materials are better for certain workouts than others.

How to inflate?

If you buy a new fitness ball, you must first inflate it. Most balls are sold with a foot pump, but some brands also sell more powerful pumps. It is important to close the valve properly and wait until the ball is fully inflated before starting your workout. Check the ball again the next day and, if necessary, re-inflate it if it sinks deeply when you sit on it or if your feet touch the ground.

extra options

Some fitness balls have extra options, such as a spout to make it easier to inflate the ball or an anti-burst function that prevents the ball from popping just like that. There are also balls with a hula hoop balance stool bosu or ball step bench, which can make your workout even more challenging. It is important to look at what you need and what suits your workout.


There are many brands that sell fitness balls, such as Tunturi, Adidas and Avento. It is important to look at the price and quality of the products of these brands. In general, the best-selling balls are of good quality and reasonable price.

Choose the right size fitness ball for your body

Why is it important to choose the right size fitness ball?

A fitness ball, also known as a gym ball or yoga ball, is a versatile tool for training. It's an excellent way to strengthen your core, improve your balance and increase your flexibility. But to take full advantage of the benefits of a fitness ball, it is important to choose the right size. Choosing a fitness ball that is too big or too small can lead to poor posture and even injury.

How do you choose the right size fitness ball?

Choosing the right size fitness ball depends on your height and the ratio between your torso and leg length. In general, it is recommended to choose a fitness ball that fits your height. Below is a general guideline:

  • If you are between 150-165 cm, choose a 55 cm ball
  • If you are between 165-178 cm, choose a 65 cm ball
  • If you are between 178-193 cm, choose a 75 cm ball
  • If you are taller than 193 cm, choose an 85 cm ball

However, it is important to remember that these guidelines are only a guide. The ratio between your torso and leg length also plays a role in choosing the right size fitness ball. For example, if you have long legs in relation to your torso, you may need a slightly larger ball than the recommended size for your height.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing a fitness ball?

In addition to the right size, there are a number of other things that you should pay attention to when choosing a fitness ball:

  • Quality: There are many brands and types of fitness balls on the market. Choose a quality ball that is resistant and more durable. A poor quality ball can quickly tear or puncture.
  • Weight: The weight of the ball is also important. A heavier ball can provide more stability, but can also be more difficult to work with. Choose a ball that suits your body weight and training goals.
  • Diverse users: If you want to share the ball with other users, such as in a gym, choose a popular size that fits everyone.
  • Variants: There are various variants of the fitness ball, such as the Rockerz ball. This ball has received an excellent rating during research in corona times, because working on this ball is less tiring than on a regular fitness ball.

What kind of exercises can you do with a fitness ball?

The basics: exercises for beginners

If you're just starting to train with a fitness ball, it's important to start slowly. Here are some basic exercises you can do to get used to the ball and get your body used to the moves:

  • Knees extension: Sit on the ball and place your feet on the floor. Keep your back straight and slowly roll forward so that your knees are over the ball. Then roll back to the starting position.
  • Squat: Stand with your back against the wall and place the ball between your lower back and the wall. Slowly lower yourself down as if you were going to sit on a chair, with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Pause for a moment and then come back up.
  • Abdominal exercise: Lie on the ball with your feet on the floor and your hands behind your head. Tighten your abs and lift your shoulders off the ball. Pause for a moment and then return to the starting position.

Extra challenge: exercises for advanced users

Once you've mastered the basic exercises, you can move on to more challenging exercises. Here are some examples:

  • Balance exercise: Stand on the ball and try to keep your balance. If this is too easy, you can try lifting one leg and holding it up for a few seconds.
  • Back and hip exercise: Lie on the ball with your feet on the floor and your hands behind your head. Slowly roll backward, resting your back on the ball. Pause for a moment and then roll back to the starting position.
  • Buttocks: Lie on your stomach on the ball and slowly roll forward, resting your hands on the floor. Pause for a moment and then roll back to the starting position.

Avoid these exercises

Unfortunately, not all exercises are equally suitable to do with a fitness ball. Here are some exercises to avoid:

  • Lateral movements while sitting on the ball: This can cause the ball to sink and you lose your balance.
  • Exercises where you stand on the ball and move yourself quickly: This can cause the ball to vibrate and you lose your balance.
  • Intense abdominal exercises where you pull yourself up: This can cause the ball to fly away and you lose your balance.


A fitness ball is a multifunctional training tool that you can use for all kinds of exercises. It is a good way to train your muscles and improve your coordination.

You can do a lot of exercises with it and it's a fun way to keep you busy while you work your muscles.

I hope you now know what a fitness ball is and how to use it.

Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves to write about all kinds of sports, and has also played a lot of sports himself for most of his life. Now since 2016, he and his team have been creating helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with their sports activities.