Best shin guards for crossfit | compression and protection

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  July 5, 2020

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Our bodies are our tools when it comes to fitness. Without them working properly, we just can't do the job right. So it is important that we take care of them so that we can do our exercises properly.

In CrossFit, one of our body parts that often needs the most protection is our shins. There are numerous exercises that make shins prone to injury.

Shins can be scraped during deadlifts and Olympic lifting, burned on rope climbing, and bumped on box jumps. So how do you prevent injuries to your shin? Wear the right clothes!

Best shin guards for crossfit

You could choose these solutions:

Knee High Compression Socks

These can go a long way in reducing barbell scraping during deadlifts and the Olympic lifts. All knee socks will work, but special weightlifting socks are available that are slightly thicker than the shins, providing some extra protection.

While this is sufficient to prevent barbell abrasions, they provide minimal protection against cable burns and even less against missed box jumps.

Herzog's compression socks are well-known in the sports world and are recommended everywhere for intensive sports such as Crossfit.

you got them here for gentlemen en here for ladies.

Shin guards for crossfit

This is a thin neoprene cover that goes over the shins. They provide a much higher level of protection than long socks. Rope climbing burns are pretty much eliminated while wearing these and they can certainly do less damage from a missed box spring.

Men's Crossfit Shinguards

Being for men these Shin sleeves shin guards from Rehband very well.

They are made to provide optimal compression and warmth to your calves while protecting your shins from chafing during your crossfit workouts.

Here it is compared to another popular brand:

The sleeves are anatomically shaped so that they fit perfectly on your lower leg and you can especially wear them when you already have an inflammation or muscle tear in your lower legs, but are also excellent for preventing this.

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Crossfit shin guards for women

Being for ladies these RX Smart Gear Shin Guards for Outdoor and Crossfit very good.

They have been developed by RX Smart Gear from army material for strong protection under all circumstances. That's why they're sturdy, durable, and drape over your shoes to support your ankle as well.

They are perfect for preventing painful chafing on your legs and can provide protection for your exercises such as rope climbing and deadlifts.

Also read: the best fitness glove for every situation reviewed

football shin guards

As an emergency solution, you could choose football shin guards. These are plastic inserts that fit into a pair of long socks or thin compression sleeves.

Football shin guards provide the greatest amount of protection against any damage to the shins from missed box jumps.

While very helpful, they can be overkill for barbell moves and rope climbs, and can get in the way of these moves. But if you also play football or have played football in the past and you still have them, then it is a good alternative.

So heed our advice and wear shin protection during these specific activities. You'll be glad you made the investment.

Also read: the best martial arts shin guards

Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves to write about all kinds of sports, and has also played a lot of sports himself for most of his life. Now since 2016, he and his team have been creating helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with their sports activities.