How do you play Beach Tennis? Rackets, Matches, Rules and more

by Joost Nusselder | Updated on:  March 7 2023

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Want to skip a ball on the beach? Awesome! But beach tennis is so much more than that.

Beach tennis is one ball sport which is a mix of tennis and volleyball. It is often played on the beach and is one of the most popular beach sports in the world. But how exactly does it work?

In this article you can read all about the rules, history, equipment and players.

What is beach tennis

What is beach tennis the sport?

What is beach tennis the sport?

Beach tennis is an attractive beach sport that is gaining worldwide recognition. It is a combination of tennis, beach volleyball and frescobol, where players play on a beach court with a special racket and a soft ball. It is a sport that provides fun and teamwork, but also strong competition.

Beach tennis as a mixture of different influences

Beach tennis combines the characteristics of the game of tennis with the relaxed atmosphere of the beach and the interplay of beach volleyball. It is a sport that often takes into account the scores, but also the movement on the beach and the higher pace that comes with it. It is a mixture of different influences that appeals to both athletes and recreational players.

The equipment and game elements of beach tennis

Beach tennis requires special equipment, including a special racket and soft balls. The bats are smaller than tennis and have no strings. The ball is softer and lighter than tennis and is specially designed for playing on the beach. The game elements of beach tennis are similar to those of tennis, such as serving, receiving and switching sides. The scores are kept according to the game rules of beach tennis.

The rules of beach tennis

The rules of beach tennis are similar to those of tennis, but there are some important differences. For example, there is no second serve and the server must switch with the receiver after every two points. The playing field is smaller than tennis and it is played in teams of two. The scores are kept according to the rules of beach tennis.

Regulations and rules of the game

Beach tennis is very similar to tennis, but there are some differences in rules and rules. Here are some important points to remember:

  • The game is played with a specially designed bat and a lighter, softer ball than in tennis.
  • The game can be played as singles or doubles, with the prescribed court size and net height differing between the two.
  • The playing field is 16 meters long and 8 meters wide for doubles and 16 meters long and 5 meters wide for singles.
  • The net height is 1,70 meters for men and 1,60 meters for women.
  • Scoring is the same as in tennis, with a set being won by the first player or team to win six games with a difference of two games. If the score is 6-6, a tiebreak is played.
  • The first server is determined by a toss and the server must be behind the back line before touching the ball.
  • A foot fault is considered a loss of serve.
  • In doubles, partners must not touch or interfere with each other during play.

Origin and worldwide recognition

Beach tennis originated in the United States and has since become a very popular sport all over the world. It even has its own international federation, the International Beach Tennis Federation (IBTF), which is responsible for regulating the sport and organizing international tournaments.

What kind of rackets do they use in beach tennis?

The type of racket used in beach tennis differs from the type of racket used in tennis. Beach tennis rackets are specially designed for this sport.

The differences between beach tennis and tennis rackets

Beach tennis rackets are lighter than tennis rackets and have a larger blade surface. This ensures that the reflexes of the players are improved and that they can hit the ball to the maximum. The weight of a beach tennis racket is between 310 and 370 grams, while a tennis racket weighs between 250 and 350 grams.

In addition, the material of which the rackets are made is different. Beach tennis rackets are usually made of graphite, while tennis rackets are often made of aluminum or titanium.

The substrate and the type of field

The surface on which beach tennis is played also influences the type of racket used. Beach tennis is played on a sandy beach, while tennis can be played on different surfaces, such as gravel, grass and hard court.

The type of field on which beach tennis is played also differs from tennis. Beach tennis can be played on a similar court to beach volleyball, while tennis is played on a rectangular court.

The point score and the course of a game

The point scoring in beach tennis is simplified compared to tennis. It is played to win two sets of 12 points each. With a score of 11-11, play continues until one team has a two-point difference.

Another difference with tennis is that there is no service in beach tennis. The ball is served underhand and the receiver may return the ball directly. The game begins with a coin toss to determine which team will serve first.

Beach tennis in competition

Beach tennis is played competitively in various parts of the world, including Europe, North and South America. In some countries, such as Spain, France and the United States, beach tennis is very popular and many tournaments are organized.

In addition to beach tennis, other sports are also played on the beach, such as foot volleyball and padel. These sports have their birthplace on the beach, where holidaymakers started playing in the early years of these sports.

How does a match go?

How does a match go?

A beach tennis match is a clear and fast sport that is often played in teams. The course of beach tennis is very similar to that of tennis, but there are some differences. Below you will find an overview of the most important rules and game elements of beach tennis.

Swapping server and receiver

In beach tennis, the server and receiver switch sides after every four points. If a team wins a set, the teams switch sides. A match usually consists of three sets and the first team to win two sets wins the match.

To score

Beach tennis is played to win two sets. A set is won by the team that wins six games first, with a difference of at least two games. If the score is 5-5, play continues until one of the teams has a two game lead. If a third set is needed, it will be played for a tiebreak to 10 points.

What are the rules?

What are the rules for beach tennis?

Beach tennis is a fast and dynamic game full of excitement and spectacular action. In order to play this game well, it is important to master the rules. Below are the basic aspects of the rules of beach tennis.

How do you determine who starts serving?

  • The serving side chooses which half to start.
  • The serving side serves from behind the end line.
  • The side that starts serving first serves from the right side of the court.
  • After each serve, the server changes ends.

How does the score progression count?

  • Each point won counts as one point.
  • The first side to reach six games wins the set.
  • When both sides have reached five games, play continues until one side has a two-game lead.
  • When both sides have reached six games, a tiebreaker is played to determine the winning side.

How do you play a tiebreaker?

  • A tiebreak goes to the first player to score seven points.
  • The player who starts serving serves once from the right side of the court.
  • Then the opponent serves twice from the left side of the court.
  • Then the first player serves twice from the right side of the court.
  • This continues until one of the players has reached seven points with a difference of two points.

How does a game end?

  • The player or tennis team that completes four sets first and is ahead by at least two points wins the game.
  • When both sides have won three sets, play continues until one of the sides has a lead of two points.
  • When both sides have won four sets, play continues until one of the sides has a lead of two points.

Although the rules of beach tennis are somewhat the same as those of tennis, there are some differences. Thanks to these rules, beach tennis is an intense, fast-paced and exciting sport in which players often make spectacular moves, such as diving to return balls. If you want to learn how to play beach tennis, it is important to understand and practice these rules in order to master the sport.

How did beach tennis come about?

Beach tennis is a relatively new sport that originated in Brazil in the 80s. It was first played on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, where it was inspired by beach volleyball and the Brazilian frescobol. Beach tennis is often compared to tennis but has some key differences that make it unique as a sport.

Beach tennis as an adaptation to beach conditions

Beach tennis originated as an adaptation to beach conditions. Using lighter, softer and rubber balls and rackets makes the game faster and requires more dexterity and physical effort than tennis. The adjustments also make it possible to play in windy conditions, which is not always possible in tennis.

Joost Nusselder, the founder of is a content marketer, father and loves to write about all kinds of sports, and has also played a lot of sports himself for most of his life. Now since 2016, he and his team have been creating helpful blog articles to help loyal readers with their sports activities.